Catalogue of Genealogische Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Lahn-Dill-Kreis e.V.

The life of Rev. Philip William Otterbein, founder of the Church of the United brethren in Christ. (Record no. 2560)

MARC details
000 -Satzkennung
Kontrollfeld mit fester Länge 07078cam a2200217u 4500
001 - Kontrollnummer
Kontrollfeld 6898571
003 - Kontrollnummer Identifier
Kontrollfeld OSt
005 - Datum und Zeit der letzten Transaktion
Kontrollfeld 20240309165332.0
008 - Feld mit fester Länge zur physischen Beschreibung - Allgemeine Angaben
Kontrollfeld mit fester Länge 821202s1884 ohucf 000 0beng
010 ## - Kontrollnummer der Library of Congress
LC-Kontrollnummer 37008724
040 ## - Katalogisierungsquelle
Original-Katalogisierungsstelle DLC
Übertragungsstelle CarP
Bearbeitungsstelle DLC
050 00 - Signatur der Library of Congress
Notation BX9877.O8
Exemplarnummer D7
100 1# - Haupteintragung - Personenname
Personenname Drury, A. W.
Vollständige Form eines Namens (Augustus Waldo),
Datumsangaben in Verbindung mit einem Namen 1851-1935.
245 04 - Titel
Titel The life of Rev. Philip William Otterbein, founder of the Church of the United brethren in Christ.
260 ## - Publikation, Vertrieb usw.
Erscheinungsort, Vertriebsort etc. Dayton, Ohio,
Name des Verlags, des Vertriebs etc. United brethren publishing house,
Erscheinungsjahr, Vertriebsjahr etc. 1884.
300 ## - Physische Beschreibung
Umfang xviii p., 1 l., 21-384 p.
Weitere äußerliche Details front., plates, port.
Maße 20 cm.
500 ## - Allgemeine Fußnote
Allgemeine Fußnote CONTENTS.<br/><br/>021 CHAPTER I.<br/>021 LIFE TO HIS ENTRANCE UPON THE HOLY MINISTRY,<br/>021 Nassau — Dillenburg — Otterbein Family — Home Training—Death of the Father—A Quotation — Brothers and Sisters — In School at Herborn — Character of Instructors<br/><br/>042 CHAPTER II.<br/>042 BECOMES A MINISTER, THEN A MISSIONARY.<br/>042 Serves as House-Teacher— Preceptor — Ordination — Duties as Vicar—Oppositions— Call for Missionaries — Recommendation — The Separation— The Voyage<br/><br/>057 CHAPTER III.<br/>057 MINISTRY AT LANCASTER.<br/>057 The Germansin America - Condition of Religion — Lancaster— Success of his Ministry— Crisisin his Experience—Significance of the same— Case of Dr. Hendel, jr.— Assurance — The Extremes of Formality and Capriciousness— Two Worthy Types Combined— The End of Written Sermons—Calvinism Forsaken<br/><br/>083 CHAPTER IV.<br/>084 MINISTRY AT TULPEHOCkEN.<br/>084 The Tulpehocken Settlement — The Church — Pleasant Features — Stahlschmidt’s Testimony—New Measures — The Prayer - meeting — Return of the Social, or Laical Spirit<br/><br/>###############################<br/><br/><br/>098 CHAPTER V.<br/>098 MINISTRY AT FREDERICK.<br/>098 Character of the Congregation — Various Interests Advanced— Oppositions— Calls to Other Places— Marriage — The LeRoy Family— Death of Mrs. Otterbein.<br/><br/>113 CHAPTER VI.<br/>113 MINISTRY AT YORK.<br/>113 History of the Congregation — Labors Rewarded — Meeting at Isaac Long’s— Time of the Meeting— Visit to Germany — Incidents — The Farewell and Retum — Concludes his Labors at York<br/><br/>127 CHAPTER VII.<br/>127 CO-LABORERS.<br/>127 The Mennonites—Ancestors of Martin Boehm--Birth and Early Life of Boeehm—His Selection for the Ministry - Conversion— Visit to Virginia— The “ Virginia Preachers’ — Meeting at Isaac Long’s— The Religious Movement— Boehm’s Preaching— The River Brethren — Condition of the Mennonites — Opposition — Boehm Expelled — George Adam Geeting— His Conversion — Becomes a Preacher — His Home on the Antietam — Close Relations with Mr. Otterbein— Other Laborers<br/><br/>155 CHAPTER VIII.<br/>155 CALL TO BALTIMORE.<br/>155 Mr. Otterbein’s Position— The Old Congregation — Troubles — Mr. Schwope— The New Congregation — Efforts to Bring it Back— Independence of the Congregation — Asbury’s Statement — Hildt’s Testimony— The Property of the Congregstion — Trial of 1840— Extract from Grifüth’s Annals— Not Represented by Elders— Importance of Reaching the Truth<br/><br/>169 CHAPTER IX.<br/>169 ESTABLISHMENT AND PROGRESS OF THE BALTIMORE CONGREGATION.<br/>169 Churches Built — The Congregation — Rules of Discipline - Later History<br/><br/>188 CHAPTER X.<br/>188 CO-LABORERS IN GENERAL.<br/>188 Hendel — Wagner — Hautz — Henop — Weimer — Schwope — A Pietistic Tendeney— Minutes of Important Meetings— A License — Remarks— The Methodists — Asbury and Otterbein — Asbury’s Consecration as Superintendent — Incidents<br/><br/>213 CHAPTER XI.<br/>213 PROGRESS CF THE RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT.<br/>213 Antecedent Stages— Newcomer — His Preparation for the Work—His Account of his Connection with the Movement— Various Notes of Progress—Conference of 1789 — Members of the Conference — Objects Sought—Confession of Faith and Rules—Conference of 1791 — New Members— The Extent and Character of the Work — Mr. Otterbein’s Presence and Assistance — The Antietam Meetings— Mr. Otterbein Present at Meetings of the Reformed Church — The Methodists Welcomed to His Church — Mr. Otterbein Wearing Out<br/><br/>252 CHAPTER XII.<br/>252 OTTERBEIN AND THE REFORMED CHURCH.<br/>252 Want of Congeniality — Growing Alienation — Condition of the German Churches— Various Testimonies — Facts in General— Why some Misunderstood Otterbein — Otterbein’s Twofold Relation— Relation on the Reformed Side Vanisbing — An Incident— Geeting’s Expulsion— Synod of 1806— Another Ineident — Contrary Testimonies Examined — Winters’ Testimony — Aurandt’s Testimony— The two Relatians Incompatible — The Responsibility — Statements of Dr. Benjamin Kurtz, Bishop Asbury, and Dr. Zacharias<br/><br/>272 CHAPTER XIII.<br/>272 OTTERBEIN AND THE UNITED BRETHREN.<br/>272 The year 1800— Newcomer’s Account of the Conference — Names of- Preachers— Preface to the Minutes— The Minutes of 1800— The Election of Bishops — Conference of 1801 — Minutes of 1802— Minutes of 1805 — The State of the Work — Otterbein’s Preaching at Conferences and Big Meetings — Otterbein Sick — Partial Recovery<br/><br/>294 CHAPTER XIV.<br/>294 FRIENDLY RELATIONS—DEATH OF BOEHM AND GEETING.<br/>294 An Incident— A Plan of Co-operation with the Methodists— Organic Union not Thought Of—Early Friendliness — Priority in the Work — Ranke’s Description of Popular Movements — Comparative Disadvantages of the United Brethren — Unfair Classification — Review of Boehm’s Life — Incidents— The Hollingsworth Paper— Boehm’s Alleged Withdrawal from the United Brethren — Review of Geeting’s Life.<br/><br/>319 CHAPTER XV.<br/>319 DOMESTIC LIFE—MISCELLANEOUS INCIDENTS.<br/>319 Situation at the Parsonage — The Drucks Family — Domestic Incidents — Personal Habits — Benevolence — Otterbein and His’ Carriage-Boys—Otterbein in the Family —As Preacher and Pastor — Oppositions— Figures — Freemasonry — Unfavorable Incidents.<br/><br/>335 CHAPTER XVI<br/>335 OTTERBEIN’S EXTANT PAPERS.<br/>335 Scanty Literary Remains—Destroyed his Papers— Letter on Doctrine and Diseipline—Letter on the Millennium — Letter on the Theater — Letter to an Intemperate Man — Latin Sermons — Sermon Sketch — Books<br/><br/>354 CHAPTER XVII.<br/>354 OTTERBEIN’S LAST YEAR.<br/>354 Asbury’s Visit— Newcomer in Baltimore— Ordination of Newcomer, Hoffman, and Schaffer—Dr. Harbaugh’s Views— Wm. Ryland— The Last Hour— The Last Words — The Funeral— Those Partieipating—His Age — His Tomb — His Congregation — His Will — Tributes of Asbury, Dr. B. Kurtz, Dr. Zacharias, and John Hildt — Henry Boehm’s Description — Pictures of Otterbein— His Life-Work— His Retrospeet — His Vision of the Future— The Key to His Life—His Name Growing Brighter — Recent Words — His Answers to Asbury’s Questions — His Aim and Reward
600 10 - Nebeneintragung unter einem Schlagwort - Personenname
Personenname Otterbein, Philip William,
Datumsangaben in Verbindung mit einem Namen 1726-1813.
a 0
b cbc
c premunv
d u
e ncip
f 19
g y-gencatlg
942 ## - Zusätzliche Felder (Koha)
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Koha-Medientyp Buch
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    Andere/Generische Klassifikation     Allgemeine Geschichte (ohne Personen-, Sach-, Ortsbezug) Genealogische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lahn-Dill-Kreis e.V. Genealogische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lahn-Dill-Kreis e.V. Standort 03/03/2024 Hatzfeld, Ursula   AG 15.120 09/03/2024 Buch

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designed and adapted by Gerhard Karl and Hans-Jürgen Koob